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EPR Services

The EPR Certificate is a requirement for exporting electronics and electrical equipment and is issued by the Indian EPR Authority. To ensure their safe return, the products are responsibly recycled after being properly disposed of.

EPR certification encourages manufacturers to use environmentally friendly materials and reduces pollution brought on by consumer electronics.

For managing hazardous e-waste, the objective is to cover costs associated with production, distribution, and users. By doing this, they can lessen the impact they have on the environment and make sure their products are disposed of responsibly.



It's a crucial task for electronic appliance producers to manage and command the whole line of collection, processing, and managing the e-waste they produce. Hence, we are on a rescue mission to curb the electronic pollution in the country by helping producers properly recycling their electronic waste.

We have skilled experts working on an end-to-end model that we designed ourselves for managing and processing electronic waste produced across the country. Our experts provide assistance right from EPR registration, certification and authorization to completely saving the environment from e-waste.

Our services contain

  • We provide PRO services with restrictive bring back schemes for e-waste and our agreement management assessed and uses best agreement value of manufacturers.

  • To educate them we arrange workshop and creating consciousness about the danger of poisonous effects on health and ecosystem.

  • We are nurturing our new venture by our website and app based model and collect e-waste throughout India. It delivers e-waste with a most reasonable,convenient systematic way for consumers.

  • What is EPR?

    First of all we'll come to know the full form of EPR and that is Extended Producer Responsibility. It is a responsibility of any manufacturers of electrical and electronic machinery to make sure to be eco friendly management of these wastes. Through Producer Responsibility Organization which is identified by the manufacturer, EPR may incorporate of executing bring back the system either organising up of collection factories or both works and also possessing agreed disposition with approved recycler either individually or group wise.

  • Role of PRO service

    PRO means Producer Responsibility Organization. This helps Producers to get their EPR targets through recyclers in the country. It is also responsible for assembling a acquisition system for the targated material and raise awareness for disconsructing of e-waste.

  • Our offers for you

    We make sure a clearcut model of process with specialist to get their targets because we have ideal resolution for all bulk manufacturers of electric and electronic machineries to get their EPR goals.